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This Black Holes residency took place fom July 4th till 25th, 4 foreign artists from Iceland, England, Russia and 6 local artists gathered for a three-week-long, process-based residency in the Totaldobže Art Centre situated in the culture hub Viskaļi, in 36 Viskaļi Street, Riga, Latvia.

The focus of the residency was on sharing and creation of ideas for new art works through collaboration and within the local context. It was like a structurised improvisation in jazz started from the first day and ended when participants were left.

The participants took part in interdisciplinary workshops, explored the local context, exchanged knowledge and skills from their own experiences. The residency was moderated by one of the co-founders of the Black Hole residencies and the head of the Totaldobže Art Centre – artist Kaspars Lielgalvis. Participants were be selected by 4 local professionals: composer Rolands Kronlaks,contemporary dance choreographer Ina Ločmele, architect Ramon Cordova and the moderator. There were organized a meetings with architects Kārlis Jaunromāns who has created the vision of the development of the building and the site of Viskaļi and architect and city planner Ramon Cordova who has made a research together with his partner – another architect Signe Pērkone and made the vision of the potential development of surrounding area probably affected by the new stackholder of the neighbourhood – cultural hub Viskaļi. In the end of the residency participants shared their ideas with the public in the forms of art exhibition and stand up show. Some of the art works created during this residency has been exhibited in the galerry KUNSTPUNKT (Berlin, Germany) during the gathering of the artist-run initiatives "LUFT – fair is in the air" within the project "ARNE" (Artist-run network of Europe) funded by European Comission programme CREATIVE EUROPE.

This residency was financed by the Latvian Culture Capital foundation.


artists Aina Bikše, Rebecca Korn (UK), Einar Lúðvík Ólafssons (IS), Anastasia Shneps-Shneppe (RU), Kristján Thorlaciu (IS), Lidija Zaneripa, composer and sound artist Alise Rancāne, DJ Aizvakardiena (Gunda Sila), choreographer of contemporary dance and set designer Līga Ūbele; choreographer of contemporary dance Marģers Vanags.

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