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This Black Holes residency was organized by Totaldobže Art Centre in Riga as part of Creative Europe project Artist-Run Network Europe.

The Black Holes residency is aimed at artists working with, or interested in working with, artist-run initiatives. From November 7th till 27th 2022, six artists participated in a three-week-long, process-based residency in Riga.

The focus of the residency was sharing and creation of art works through collaboration and within the local context. The participants took part in three interdisciplinary workshops, explored the local context, exchanged knowledge and skills from their own experiences. The workshops were facilitated by invited experts, and the overall residency was moderated by two artists – co-founders of the Black Holes residencies.

This residency was supported by European Comission programme Creative Europe and Latvian Culture Ministry.


artist Laura Prikule – co-creator of the Totaldobže Art Centre, the Black Hole event series, participant of several Black Hole residencies;

cultural manager Kaspars Lielgalvis – the head of the Totaldobže Art Centre, the Black Hole event series, moderator of several Black Hole residencies.


One of worskhops was facilitated by american sound artist John Grzinich currently living in Estonia. After running artist residency MoKS together with artist Evelyn Grzinich in remote village Mooste for more then 15 years, he has gained a rich experience of collaboration methods. Residents will have a chance to try out them within John's 3 days long workshop. He is currently a visiting Associate Professor of New Media in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Another workshop was facilitated by another american culture manager John Fail based between Estonia and Finland. He has created several experimental interdisciplinar cultural centres and residencies Ptarmigan in Helsinki and Tallinn.
The third workshop was facilitated by artist Aina Bikše, who has been participating in the Black Hole residency several times. She has brought all participants to her country house and led a workshop of color hunting.

Participants: artists Kristjan Thorlacius Finsson (IS), Stuart Mayes (UK/SE), Sorcha McNamara (IE), Matthias Roth (DE), Lidija Zaneripa (LV), musician and actor Felipe Andres Naranjo Urenda (CL/DE).

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