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‘’The Black Hole’’ project is calling for artists of any specialty to participate in a 3-week nomadic residency in Iceland. The aim of residency is to foster creative freedom, explore local context and encourage collaboration and interdisciplinary experiments between participants.

In 3 weeks, we’ll have 8 artists getting to know each other and exploring cultural life in rural Iceland. There will be workshops with experienced professionals from various fields (see below) offering participants methods and inspiration on how to approach their work and explore beyond the usual. Once a week there will be a presentation within a small group of people on what the artists have come up with so far and in conclusion of the residency – a public event in participant's chosen form to present their process and to showcase newly created ideas for possible art works or projects in the future.

Time period of this residency will be 3 weeks in July 2024.

The participation fee is 900 EUR. It includes car rent, fuel, food, camping costs and tents. Artists are responsible for their travel expenses to and from Iceland. During the residency participants will be traveling by cars from spot to spot, sleeping in tents, camping sites and visiting local artists. Meals will be cooked on the way.

To apply for this residency or clear up any questions, please contact

Applications must include CV and portfolio along with a short description of why you would like to participate.

Application deadline: 2023, December 20.

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